Saturday, January 10, 2009

Buy my stuff!

I have terrible pack rat tendencies, so I am trying to start the year off by unloading a bunch of stuff that I don't need/want/use anymore. I have a lot of books & cds from the 80s & 90s that I will be selling on, so check out my shop if you are so inclined!

Pinup Couture starring Doris MayDAY MySpace Theme

I did this a while ago, but I kept forgetting to post about it on this blog. Check out the MySpace theme I designed for! Visit's blog to get the code for your MySpace page.

My Favorite Barbie® Doll Series

In celebration of Barbie's 50th Anniversary (wow!), Mattel has just released reproductions of six of the most popular Barbies in Barbie history. They are all priced at $39.95 and you can find them at

The Original Teenage Fashion Model™ Barbie® Doll

Brunette Bubble Cut™ Barbie® Doll

Twist 'N Turn™ Barbie® Doll (available in February 2009)

Malibu Barbie® Doll

Superstar Barbie™ Doll

Barbie and the Rockers™ Barbie® Doll (available in February 2009)

Rainbow Fantasy Radio

RAINBOW FANTASY RADIO will cease broadcasting on January 13, 2009

I want to thank all of you for listening to Rainbow Fantasy Radio over the years. I wish I had the time and money to keep it running forever, but unfortunately with the economy the way it is right now etcetera etcetera, I can't. I don't know if Rainbow Fantasy Radio will ever be back, but I will keep you posted via this myspace page if that indeed ever happens.
Kitten Moon